Dr. M. A. Yusuf
Brief Biography
Murtala Akanbi Yusuf is a PhD in Adult Education (Adult and Non-formal Education) with special interest in education of disadvantaged groups (women, destitutes, prostitutes, out-of-school boys and girls, orphans, prisoners, etc) and practice in Nigeria. Dr. Yusfu’s PhD thesis was on the assessment of non-formal education rehabilitation needs of commercial sex-workers in Soktoto Sokoto Nigeria in 2016. He carries out researches, publishes scholarly articles and engages with relevant stakeholders on how non-formal education can be explored to improve the lives of disadvantaged ones in Northern Nigeria and in Nigeria in general.
Dr. Yusuf is a lecturer I presently in the Department of Adult Education & Extension Services at Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Nigeria where he started as a Graduate Assistant in 2010. He has over 13 years of experience in teaching, research and community services in area of education generally and adult and non-formal education in particular at different tiers of Nigeria’s school system and teacher training at sub-degree (Nigeria Certificate in Education, NCE), undergraduate, and postgraduate levels. He also consults for and provides technical support to governmental and non-governmental agencies on the development of teacher education and non-formal education, continuing professional development of teachers, measurement of learning achievement, safety, couching and mentoring as well as community mapping.
Area of specialization: | Adult and Non-formal Education |
Email: | akanbi.murtala@udusok.edu.ng |
Phone: |
List of Selected Publications
- Yusuf, M.A. (2010). Impact of occupational groups in fostering community development activities: A study of Omada-Adangba, Ilorin, Kwara State. In readings in management studies, 3,138-151
- Yusuf, M.A. and Mahmud, A. (2010) Contributions of adult literacy programmes on socio-economic status of women in Kwara State. International Journal of Adult Education and Community Services, 1 (2), 58-66
- Yusuf, M.A. and Isah, A. (2011). Advocacy for infusion of guidance and counselling in adult literacy programmes in Nigeria. Journal of adult education and development, 5(1), 123-134
- Yusuf, M.A. (2011). Factors responsible for promoting women participation in adult literacy in Kwara State. Sokoto educational review, 12, 192-203
- Yusuf, M.A. (2011). Adult literacy programmes for promoting sustainable livelihood for poor rural women in Nigeria. Proceedings of the 2011 NNCAE conference, 42-48.
- Yusuf, M.A. and Mahmud, A. (2011). Advocacy for effective supervision of adult literacy programmes in Nigeria. In adult education and extension services: Readings and cases in memory of Professor Y.Y. Dibal. Maiduguri: Department of Continuing Education and Extension Services, University of Maiduguri.
- Yusuf, M.A. (2013). Factors predisposing young female adults into prostitution Sokoto metropolis: Implications for adult education provision. Proceedings of the 2013 NNCAE conference, 53-59.
- Yusuf, M.A. (2013) Impact of adult literacy programmes on political empowerment of women in Kwara State. International Journal of African and Asian Studies - An Open Access International Journal, 22, 17-22
- Yusuf, M.A., Ladan, B., Idris, U.A, & Halilu, A. (2013). Comparative study of the state of literacy in Nigeria and Cuba. European Scientific Journal, 9(19), 34-45 DOI: https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2013.v9n19p%25p
- Yusuf, M.A. & Zakari, B. (2013). Workers’ education: A tool for workers’ empowerment in Nigeria. European Scientific Journal, 9(19), 190-199. DOI: https://doi.org/10.19044/esj.2013.v9n19p%25p
- Yusuf, M.A. & Mayanchi, M.L. (2014). Peaceful co-existence and national development in Nigeria: Implication for Adult Education Provisions. Journal of Adult Education and Development, 6(1), 250-263.
- Zakari, B. & Yusuf, M.A. (2014). Promoting literacies in the 21st century in Nigeria: Some considerations. Sokoto Education Review 15(1),96-105 DOI: https://doi.org/10.35386/ser.v15i1.157
- Yusuf, M.A., Saidu, G. & Halilu, A. (2014). Gender Difference in Adjustment to Retirement among Retirees in Sokoto State: Implications for Non-formal Education Provisions in Nigeria. Sokoto International Journal of Counselling Psychology 2, 62- 73
- Yusuf, M.A. (2014). Exploring Non-formal Education Rehabilitation Interventions in Rehabilitation of Brothel-based Young Female Commercial Sex Workers in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Journal of Arts and Education, Vol 7, 204-217, ISSN: 2006-2808. A Publication of Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida university, Lapai, Nigeria.
- Yusuf, M.A. & Zakari, B. (2015). Exploring experiential learning in improving the quality of training of Nigerian adult educators in the 21st century. Adult Education in Nigeria, 20(1), 180-189.
- Yusuf, M.A. (2015). Exploring In-house Training Opportunities for Building Capacity of Community Development Practitioners in Nigeria. Nigerian Journal of Community Learning and Development, 1(1), 21-30. ISSN: 2545 5087. A Publication of the Institute of Community Development Practitioners in Nigeria, kano, Nigeria.
- Yusuf, M.A. (2015). Strategies for Promoting Democracy and Good Governance through Adult Literacy programmes in Nigeria. Literacy for Sustainable Development in a Knowledge Economy. Essays in honour of Professor Rashid Adewumi Aderinoye Edited by A.A. Haladu, K.O. Ojokheta and A.A. Olojede. 248-257. Published by Crafted and Bound Wordworks, Ibadan. ISBN: 978-978-54135-3-3
- Yusuf, M.A. & Sholagberu, O.A. (2016). Paulo Freire’s Adult Education Philosophy as an Alternative for Instructional Delivery in Universities in Nigeria. International Journal of Topical Educational Issues 313-325.
- Abubakar. H.S & Yusuf, M.A. (2016). Exploring Community-based Counselling Approaches in Combating Communal Conflicts in Nigeria. The Counsellor, 35(1&2), 226-236
- Yusuf, M.A. (2016). Non-formal education and rehabilitation theories: Implications for rehabilitation of young female commercial sex workers in Sokoto State, Nigeria. Journal of Research and Development in Education 6(1), 103-111. ISSN: 1597-3255. A Publication of the Institute of Education and Professional Development, University of Uyo, Uyo Akwa ibom State, Nigeria.
- Yusuf, M.A. & Abubakar. H.S. (2017). Addressing Rural Women Health Needs in Nigeria through Non-formal Education and Counselling. The Counsellor, 36(1), 123-134. ISSN: 0189-0263. Indexed on EBSCO, IBBSS/ProQuest and AJOL. A Publication of Counselling Association of Nigeria.
- Abubakar, K.H. & Yusuf, M.A. (2017). Relevance of Experiential Learning In the Training of Extension Agents in Nigeria: A Proposal. British Journal of Education. 5(13), 69-77. Published by European Centre for Research Training and Development UK (www.eajournals.org). ISSN 2055-0111 (Print), ISSN 2055-012X (Online). Indexed on Open J gate, New Jour, Ulrich’s Electronic Journals Library, ProQuest, DOAJ, Serials Solutions, Index Copernicus, Scirus, Journal Seek, University Digital Library.
- Yusuf, M.A. (2017). Socio-Economic Needs Assessment of Kwalkwalawa Community and Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Community Services. International Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Reviews 7 (2); p.150 – 157, (ISSN: 2276-8645)
- Yusuf, M.A. & Sholagberu, O. A. (2017). Adult literacy programmes: Tools for rural women empowerment. Unilorin Journal of Lifelong Education, 1(1), 104-112
- Yusuf, M.A. (2018). Non-formal Education Rehabilitation Needs of Brothel-Based Female Commercial Sex Workers in Sokoto State, Nigeria. American Journal of Social Studies (AJSS), Volume 1, Issue 1, 116-136: ISSN: 2074-22
- Yusuf, M.A. Muhammad, M. B. (2018). Improving Support Systems in Addressing Challenges of Elderly Widows in Nigeria Through Non-Formal Education Practices. Unilorin Journal of Lifelong Education. 2, 102-114.
- Bagudo, A.A. & Yusuf, M.A. (2019). Addressing Prevalence of Prostitution in Nigeria through Non-formal Education Provisions. European Journal of Educational and Development Psychology, 7(2), 1-1
- Yusuf, M.A. (2019). Exploring national values potentials in poverty reduction in Nigeria. The Essence and purpose of Adult and Community Development. A Festschrift in honour of Professor Muhammad Bello Shitu. Kano: Department of Adult Education and Community Services, Bayro University
- Yusuf, M.A. & Zakari, B. (2020). Requirements and Steps Involved In Developing Learning Materials for Non-Formal Education in Nigeria. International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2(4) DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/ijevs.v2i4.2332
- Yusuf, M.A. & Alkali, M. (2020). Assessment of Marital Dissatisfaction among Divorces in Women Continuing Education Centre, Sokoto, Sokoto State, Nigeria International Journal for Educational and Vocational Studies, 2(5). DOI: https://doi.org/10.29103/ijevs.v2i5.2495