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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The most peaceful university in Nigeria




The Senior Staff Association of Nigerian Universities (SSANU), Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto Branch was inaugurated in 1975 by the National body of the Union the same year the University was created.

The Union is created with the following aims and objectives:
  • To organize into a single and coherent trade union and serve as an umbrella organization for all Senior Administrative, Technical and other Senior non-teaching staff of the Universities and inter-University Centres who elect to be members;
  • To regulate the relationship between each senior non-teaching staff and another, and between the employers and individual members of the Union;
  • To work for the establishment and maintenance of equitable, reasonable and proper hours of work, appropriate salaries and wages, as well as other conditions of service.
  • To establish and maintain a high standard of work, ethics, discipline and professional practice;
  • To work for the advancement of members of the Union by way of training, retraining and further education;
  • To provide benefit and assistance (including financial support) to Union members;
  • To encourage members of the Union to participate actively in the decision making process of the Union and to give support to other related activities of the University system and the Nation as a whole;
  • To promote, protect and advance the economic, social and cultural interests of the University system;
  • To motivate, co-ordinate, encourage and unite all members for the upliftment of the educational standard within the University system;
  • To engage in such other lawful activities as are compatible with the Trade Union Law and not inconsistent with trade union and practice;
  • To promote and advance the economic, political and social rights as well as the general welfare of the members of the Union; and
  • To promote and sustain positive industrial relations practice in the University System by strengthening collective bargaining between the employers and employees within the system

Our Mission

Our mission is to create a viable Union that will not only create improvements in the welfare of its members but that will be a major player in the development of the education sector in the entire system

Our Vision

To deepen labour relations and enrich the procedure and process of enhancing the wellbeing and welfare of its members throughout the Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto

Contact us on our email: ssanu@udusok.edu.ng


Abubakar Ibrahim


Abubakar Ibrahim
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Engr. Inusa Ali Malgwi MNSE Miaeng
Vice Chairman
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Shamsudeen Musa Yeldu, Esq
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Hassan Attahiru
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Aliyu Jafaru Shinkafi
Financial Secretary
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Abdulkadir Danmaigoro
Public Relations Officer
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Kasim Shehu
Assistant Secretary
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Mrs. Maryam Abubakar
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Mrs. Safiya Ozichu Onimisi
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Mrs. Fati Idris Kanung
Women Leader
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