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Usmanu Danfodiyo University Sokoto

The most peaceful university in Nigeria

ICT Directorate

Mal. Ahmed Isah Chafe
(ICT Directorate)


Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto in its determination to provide an enabling environment for effective teaching, learning and research which are its cardinal objectives, it identified ICT services and systems as critical and top priority enablers in achieving its vision and mission. The university over the years invested heavily in the implementation of these services and systems. In the pursuance of this objective the university saddled the responsibility of development and implementation of these services and systems to the Management Information Systems, a unit established under the Office of the Vice-Chancellor. It provides ICT services and systems to all academic and administrative units of the university. Students are also inclusive.

Our Mission

To ensure high and sustainable availability of ICT resources through quality management, control and maintenance processes that are customer oriented

Our Vision

To provide University-wide access to, and utilization of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to enhance the position of Usmanu Danfodiyo University as a Center of academic excellence, and its contribution to the sustainable development of the society.


In the provision of effective ICT services and system to the university community, Management Information System Unit, provides the following functions;

  • Usage policy development and support;
  • ICT master plan development and implementation
  • Development, management & Control of ICT resources within the university community.
  • Provision of ICT support & help function.
  • Knowledge center


The Management Information System Unit is headed by a Director, who coordinates administrative, operational and technical functions of the unit. He reports directly to the Vice-Chancellor

The Management System Unit is made up of the nine functional units; collectively working together to ensure the availability and sustainability of ICT services & resources to the university community. They include;

  1. Network Services
  2. Corporate Information System
  3. Software Development & Maintenance
  4. Operations
  5. Hardware Maintenance
  6. Training
  7. Web Development
  8. End User Support


Mal. Ahmed Isah Chafe
[Director MIS]
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Rilwanu Mohammed Ladan
[Deputy Director M.I.S]
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Hassan Musa Kebbe
[HOD, Maintenance]
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Lawali Sulaiman
[HOD, Network Services]
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A. A. Ladan
[HOD, Operations]
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Lawali Bala
[HOD, Software Development]
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Mustapha Isah
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Ibrahim Aminu
[HOD Training]
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SHEHU, Malami Maisudan
[Senior Web Developer]
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BUBE, Muntaka Mukhtar
[Principal Software Developer]
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Abubakar Sahabi Rafi
[System Administrator]
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Umar Ibrahim Aliyu
[Software Developer]
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Aminu Mohammed
[Manager NCC Centre]
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Abdulkadir Danmaigoro
[Principal System Administrator]
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Aliyu Ahmed Marannawa
[Chief System Analyst]
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Bello Jibo
[I/C Network Admin]
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Lauwali Bawa Tsamiya
[Principal Data Analyst]
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Abubakar Chika Abdullahi
[Faculty IT Support Staff]
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Sadi Yazid
[System Administrator I]
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Shehu Shuaibu
[Higher Data Analyst]
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Jamilu Alasaini
IT Support Staff 
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Ibraheem Birniwa
[Software Developer I]
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Mukhtar Ibrahim Hussaini
[Software Developer I]
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A M Nafiu
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Auwal Ibrahim Bello
[Software Developer I]
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Bashar Shehu Umar
Network Engr./IT Support 
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Umar Bello Sokoto
[Faculty IT Support Staff]
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Murtala Abbas
Faculty IT Staff & Desk Officer
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Dahiru Umar
System Admin.
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